Onboarding overview - How to get started

This article gives you the overview of what things you should consider when you setup your account.

There is a lot of possibilities in the whistleblower software platform for customization and setup of the platform. We have pointed some of the most common and important things to get done, whenever you configure your account.

Users - Who should have access to the system and who is going to receive the cases coming in?

When adding users in the system there is a couple of things you should consider:


1. Who is going to receive the cases that comes through the reporting page?

Usually the recipients is from departments such as HR, Legal and administration, but this varies from organisation to organisation. 

If you want to add or edit the user in the system, you can see how to here: How to add users in the system


2. Should there be any users, that is not going to receive cases but administer the security settings, statistics or general administration?

In the system you are able to define what permissions the different users should have depending on the functionality they should have in the system.

If you want to use permissions, read this article on how to: How to use and create permissions


3. What departments are is the user going to be a part of and do we have more than one?

If your set-up either includes multiple entities, different case handlers depending on the country or uses departments, you have to set this up correctly when adding users.

If you are interested in seeing how you set-up the group structure and use multiple departments, go ahead and read this article: How to setup group structure


Design, reporting page and logo

Do you want the reporting page to reflect your company profile as well? 

We have multiple ways you can edit the design of the system:


1. Add you own logo to the reporting page

It makes great sense to upload you logo to the reporting so your employees are able to see that they are reporting at the right place.

To upload your logo please use this article: How to upload your logo to the reporting page


2. Edit the fields and questions on the reporting page

You are able to design the reporting page including the fields and questions in the reporting flow. This means that if you have any concrete questions or so, that you would like to ask the person reporting you are able to make than yourself

To see how read this article: How to edit the form on the reporting page


3. How to change the color and design modules

To streamline the design and profile of the reporting page, you can edit the design to make it match with the desired profile you want. This includes the shape & size of the modules and the primary colors.

To see how, read this article: How to add your design to the reporting page


Categories - what categories should be available in the system?

It makes great sense to have categories available in the system. This gives some guidance for the whistleblower to see if the case has a fit. It is also a great way to set the expectations for the whistleblower and to guide them.


It's very different from organisation to organisation on what categories should be a part of the system. For this reason you can choose our pre-made categories or simply make your own.

To see how to use the categories go through this article: How to use and edit categories


Languages - which should be available?

Organisations are based all over the world with a big variety of languages. Therefore we have covered all of the necessary languages in the system, both from of the administrative panel and the reporting page.


If you want to add more languages you can follow the article here:

How to activate languages in the system

We cover a very big span of different languages, this includes all of the european languages and a great amount of worldwide languages.


Security - How to enable the most important features

There is a very high level of security in the system and there is multiple features, where you can edit the different access levels.

As a standard a lot of the features is enabled by default. If you want to heighten the security level even more there is a couple of layers that can be put on top of this:

2-factor-authentication: How to activate 2-factor authentication

4-eye principal: How to implement the 4-eye principal

All of the different single sign on / SAML features: Configuration of Single Sign On & SAML

We hope this article was helpful!
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Otherwise you are of course always welcome to reach out either by email or phone at support@whistleblowersoftware.com or at +45 71 99 63 83.