How to create company templates

How to create a standard company template including policies, reporting links, languages and much more.

Step 1.

Sign in with your credentials here:


Step 2.

1. Access the "Company templates"

2. Press "Create company template


Step 3.

1. Name the company template

2. Wait a couple of seconds as the template is being generated

3. Access the new company template


Step 4.

From here you can edit 5 tabs: Categories, Reporting Link, Languages, Form Builder and settings.

Listed underneath you will find what is possible to edit within the different tabs.



- Activate and deactivate categories

- Create you own categories

- Administer translations of the categories


Reporting Link

- Create multiple reporting links

- On every reporting link you are able to edit multiple things:

  • Anonymity settings - confidential or anonymous reporting, removal of metadata, distortion of voice in oral recordings
  • Visibility settings - Predefined availability of categories, departments, languages and policies.
  • Case handler settings - visibility of case handler and their names, possibility of deselecting user from receiving reports, visibility of titles



- Activate/Deactivate languages

- Add pages in the different languages

- Edit the text visible at the reporting page


Form Builder

- Change the layout of the reporting form

- Make custom questions 

- Edit the options based on Departments, categories, choice of anonymity and reporting link



- Add SSO (Single Sign On)

- Activate Two-Factor-Authentication

- Set up internal procedures

- Activate machine translations


In doubt of how to use them? Read this article on how to create a company as a partner and use templates. How to create and activate companies as a partner.

We hope this article was helpful!
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