SAML 2.0 - Okta Integration Guide

1. Click "Applications" -> "Create App Integration":


2. Select "SAML 2.0" -> "Next"


3. Enter a app name eg "Whistleblower Software":


4. Enter "Single sign-on URL", "SP Entity ID" (found under security settings in WBS)

Select "EmailAddress" as "Name ID"

Select "Email" as "Application username"

Find "Single sign-on URL", "SP Entity ID" under "Settings" -> "Security" in our system:


5. Select "I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app" -> "Finish"


6. Click "View SAML setup instructions":


7. Under "Optional" copy the IDP metadata, and save the content in a .yml file:

8. Upload the .yml file from the previous step in our system:


9. Assign users to the application:

We hope the article was helpful!

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