SAML 2.0 - Google Integration Guide

Note that you can use the more simple SSO Google OAuth 2.0 by using this guide: How to login with Google

Step 1) Navigate to


Step 2) Press “Add app” and then “Add custom SAML app”


Step 3) Give the Application a name eg. “Whistleblower Software” and add images as needed. Logos can be found online.


Step 4) Use option 1 and download metadata file


Step 5) Upload the downloaded metadata files in Whistleblower software under “Settings” → “Security settings” → When SAML login is enabled:


Step 6) Press Continue in the Google Admin interface.

Step 7) Under “Services provider details” make sure to:

7.a) Enter ACS URL and Entity ID. These can be found in Whistleblower software under “Settings” → “Security settings” → When Saml login is enabled:

7.b) Enable Signed responses

7.c) Set Name ID format to email and name ID to primary email


Step 8) Under Attribute mapping add the following configuration:

  • “First name” → “first_name”
  • “last name” → “last_name”
  • “Primary email” → “email”

Step 9) Press finish

Step 10) Enable access for users in Google, who needs access to Whistleblower Software:

Notice that it might take some time for Google to add the app, an error like the one below might popup when attempting to sign in:

We hope the article was helpful!

Do you need further assistance or personal help? Fear not - book a meeting with Magnus for extra help or to get answers on any unanswered questions.

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