SAML 2.0 - Ping Integration Guide

Step 1) Go to “Settings” → “Security settings”

Step 2) Enable SAML and download the service provider metadata file

Step 3) Download Whistleblower Software SSO metadata file in Whistleblower Software interface

Step 4) Navigate to

Step 5) From the sidebar select “Connections”

Step 6) Press the blue “+” button next to “Applications”

Step 7) Give the Application a name eg. “Whistleblower Software”

Step 8) Select application type: “SAML Application” and press save

Step 9) Select “Import metadata” and “Select a file”. Choose the previously downloaded .xml file. When uploaded, press save.

Step 10) Select “Configuration” and “Download Metadata”

Step 11) Select “Attribute Mappings” and press the pen to edit

Step 12) Under the PingOne column, select “Email Address” and press save

Step 13) Return to the Whistleblower App page and upload the file .xml file downloaded from Ping

Step 14) Once the file is uploaded, press “Save”

Step 15) You should now be able to log in through the applications portal on Ping. 


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