How to store information on a case

Store files, notes and other documentation on a case without sharing it with the whistleblower.


Step 1) Access the case

Step 2) Upload file(s) and leave internal notes.

When you scroll to the bottom right hand of the page you can add a note and upload files.

1) Press "+ Add note"

2) Write any context relevant in the text field and upload files if needed.

3) Remember to click "Add note"

The file is now stored on the case and is only available for you and the other case handlers that have access to the case. This means that the message is not visible for the whistleblower.

And you are all done.


We hope the article was helpful!

Do you need further assistance or personal help? Fear not - book a meeting with Kristian for extra help or to get answers on any unanswered questions.

You can book a meeting with him right here:Book a meeting with Kristian

Otherwise you are  of course always welcome to reach out either by email or phone at or at +45 71 99 63 83.