How to delete a case

In this guide we will go through how to delete a case

Step 1. 

Identify the case you want to delete and access the case.


Step 2.

Before you are able to start the deletion, you have to make sure that the status of the case is "closed".


Step 3.

To start the deletion press "Delete occurence". When this button is pressed you are asked whether you want the case to be shown in the statistics afterwards. 


Step 4.

The case is now be deleted and not visible under the occurence tab.


Is the case still visible or pending? In a lot of organisations there is enabled multiple approval deletion. If this is the case, you can read more about this in our other article: How to delete a case with multiple approval deletion

We hope this article was helpful!
CleanShot 2024-07-16 at 13.18.04@2x

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