Different ways to share access to the reporting page

There is multiple ways to distribute the reporting page. This includes referral links, flyers, posters and QR codes.

Referring link from website or intranet

A common way to share access to the reporting page is by publishing the link for your reporting page. This can be done multiple ways, with one of the most popular one being incorporating it in the footer of your website or on your intranet. 

An example of how it could be placed in the footer of a website:

Posters and flyers

A great way to spread awareness of you reporting channel is by hanging physical posters at the office and workspace. This way they are able to access the reporting page directly from the QR code or link that is a part of the poster.

QR Code

Almost everybody has a phone with a camera and internet access. Therefore a popular way of sharing access to the reporting page is including the automatically generated QR code and distributing these both online and on physical material.

To download your QR-code access the system and go to reporting link. Press "See all", identify the reporting link you want a QR-code from, press the QR symbol and download it.



We hope the article was helpful!

Do you need further assistance or personal help? Fear not - book a meeting with Kristian for extra help or to get answers on any unanswered questions.

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Otherwise you are  of course always welcome to reach out either by email or phone at support@whistleblowersoftware.com or at +45 71 99 63 83.