How to configure the receivers / Case handlers

In this article we will go through the set-up of who should receive which cases based on the category and departments

In the system you are able to base the receivers on both the departments and categories. This is useful if you set-up the system for an organisation with more departments in different countries our parts of the organisation. Or if you have specific people receiving specific categories.

To explain further, imagine the following setup:

The initial access to the cases reported in the system is then based on the choice of Department and category. Let's go through three cases:

The way the system is built makes it possible to have a lot of different departments with different people within each of the categories, which makes the system suitable for both small organisation and very big enterprise companies.


How to configure this in your own system:

We have made two articles on how to use the departments and categories:

Configuration of categories guide

Configuration of departments

We hope this article was helpful!
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